Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Special Late Night Posting

     I wasn't going to post again until Monday, I really wasn't.  I was having to rack my brain to come up with something to post, and I didn't want this to be a chore, I wanted it to be spontaneous and fun.  This will be a one of a kind (hopefully) post for me to get something off my chest.
     Most days only a handful of people read what I write, and that is fine.  I didn't start this to become famous.  I also know that I live in a small town, and people like to talk.  The person responsible for me not being able to sleep will hear about this, and will know who and what I am talking about.  Everybody else just bear with me.
     Here goes......  Yes, my wife heard what you said, and yes it hurt her feelings.  We don't have a lot of money, and we don't run in the "in" crowd.  Guess what, we have feelings though, and they get hurt.  I am proud of my family, proud of my wife and kids, and will stand beside them through thick and thin.  I do not think you are a bad person, on the contrary, I think you are a very nice person who spoke before you REALLY thought about what you were saying and who was listening.  I just wish you hadn't hurt my wife when you said it.  I thought you were above stuff like that, and so did Tina.
     The next time we see each other, we will smile, say hi, and go on with business as usual.  The sad part of it all is, my family really likes your family, without pretending, and without judgement.  I just wish the feeling was the same. 
                       The End


  1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Perhaps you should confront this person. Not in a negative confrontation kind of way, but talk to them about it. Forgiveness expressed face to face is a wonderful thing. It will take your relationship with these folk to a whole new level, if done in love.

    REALLY enjoying your blog,
    David Holt

  2. Thanks David. I'm not a confrontational guy. I truly believe that the person didn't know they were going to be overheard. The saddest part is I had a lot of respect for this person, unfortunately we kind of had a feeling that what they said ws really how they felt. I'm over it now, it just hurt me that my wife was hurt. Like I said though, we felt like that was how they really felt anyway, so at least we know the truth. It's all good.
