Wednesday, August 10, 2011

30 Things That I Am Part Three

      In making my list of the 30 things that I am, I really had to wrack my brain to come up with these final 10.  I would guess it probably took me at least 30 minutes.  I challenge you to try to come up with your own list of 30.  You might just learn something.

                                                                    I AM

Lewis Grizzard
  21. A Reader.  I am a voracious reader, my favorites being the Bible, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader's, and Lewis Grizzard books.

22. Overweight    In my adult life I have weighed anywhere from 212 pounds to 310 pounds. It is a lifelong struggle that has a great deal to do with my being self conscious. (See #16)

23. A Lewis Grizzard fan   I used to buy an Atlanta Journal ever day just to read his column.  I probably haven't bought a handful since he died.  I also have a small collection of his books.

24. A Georgia Bulldog fan.  Sick' em Dawgs. My wife is a Florida Gators fan, my oldest daughter an Alabama Crimson Tide fan.  Football Saturdays are a lot of fun around our house.

25. Absent Minded    I often forget what I am doing, or where I am going.  What number was I on?

26. Extremely Intelligent    Hard for a lot of people to believe, but I am.

27. Obsessive Compulsive   If you ever watched me typing my blog, you would understand.  I go over and over everything, and even after I post them I will take them down briefly to edit them.  Another thing, some mornings I stop and get breakfast, and have to fold the trash in a certain way when I get done.  It's a sight to behold.

28. Humorous    Some readers of my blog would disagree, but hey, you can't please everybody.

29. Meek   I let myself get run over a lot.  I can stand up for others a lot easier than for myself.

30.  Unsatisfied   I can do a lot better, be a better father, husband, son, friend, all of the above.

     One more thing that I am, and that is finished with my list.  Tomorrow will be either "Searching for D.B. Cooper" or "The Boys In The Band."  If you get a chance, and see something in the adds on the sight that interests you, please click on one of the adds.  I enjoy doing this blog and making you laugh, but it would be nice to make a few pennies also.  All adds are legitimate and safe.  

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