Saturday, July 16, 2011

Papa's favorite story

     If you missed Papa's second favorite story go back and read it first.  This is Papa's favorite story, and he reminds me of it every time I see him.
     I have always had a way of dealing with my son when he gets rowdy, I put him on my shoulders.  This calms him down, and allows me to do whatever I am doing at the time without having to chase him all over the place.  A few years ago, we went out to eat at the local Subway, and the kids were with us.  My son was in fine form that afternoon, and we were trying to get the kids to tell us what they wanted to eat.  My son however was more interested in finding a place to sit, making new friends, and generally scouting the place out.  I finally got him to come to me, and picked him up like I had a hundred times before to put him on my shoulders.  This time however, he didn't calm down, and was fighting hard.  If you have ever tried to put a wiggly four year old boy on your shoulders, you know it isn't an easy task.  Finally I get him on my shoulders, but instead of relaxing he starts fighting me worse than ever.  All of a sudden I hear my wife saying "honey, honey, HONEY" while pointing up at him.  I took him down off my shoulders and asked him why he was fighting me.  He looks at me, rubs the knot on the top of his head, and with all the seriousness a four year old can muster asks me, "Daddy, why did you put me in the ceiling fan?"

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