Wednesday, September 14, 2011


     I have a routine in the mornings.  I get out of bed and go to my computer.  I will check facebook, read the news, and do my blog (okay, some days I do my blog).  Today was no different.  What has happened is that I have nothing big enough to warrant an entire blog today, so I am going to do random thoughts. I am just going to ramble what comes to mind.
     My Pastor's wife yesterday got great news.  She is cancer free.  I cried.  I hate cancer.  I have watched too many friends and loved ones fight this awful disease and lose.  Eva Nell Woods, Christine Fox, Carleen Stowe, Herman Adams, and so many others that did not deserve to have to go through what that terrible disease did to them.  Mrs. Eva fought the battle harder than anybody ever could.  These were precious people that I still miss terribly.
     I guess I have found my theme.  I remember when I was younger I would hear older people talk about Heaven, and how much they longed to see their loved ones that had gone on before.  I always thought that was odd back then.  Now I understand.  I look back and think about how many loved ones have already gone on and realize that I am quickly getting to the point where there are more there than here.  It happens fast.
     One day I was just a kid, then a young adult.  I am middle aged now I guess and quickly heading forward.  It is strange when you wake up and realize that you are much closer to being in the senior adult group at your church than you are to the youth group.  In my mind I am still the young man I was, but my body knows better.  The aches and pains don't go away as quickly.  I thank God every day that I am blessed with health for myself and my family.
     I am asking you all to keep a friend of mine, Mrs. Beverly, in your prayers as her mother is soon to pass over to the other side.  Another prayer for a friends son who has a concussion, and for a friend of mine fighting cancer.  I don't know who all reads this blog, on a normal day there are between 20- 25 people to read what I write.  I am going to ask God to bless you all today.

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