Thursday, July 21, 2011

Myron and the Miracle Baseball Pt.1

     This is a true story.  I couldn't have made this up if  I had tried.  The best part of the whole thing happened to my family.
     My wife is a road warrior.  She loves to go, any time, anywhere.  A few months ago we decided to take the family to Chattanooga, get a hotel room so the kids could swim, and take in a Lookouts game the next night.  I was excited, since I love baseball, especially minor league baseball..  Unfortunately, as a lot of husbands do, I forgot to make reservations anywhere.  That Friday night, I searched high and low for a place to stay to no avail.  Luckily I had an idea, we would do three activities that weekend, one for each child.  We decided to go play putt Putt for the oldest child, take a train ride for the youngest, and go to the baseball game for our middle child.
     Friday night was Putt Putt.  We decided to splurge, and do 36 holes.  All was going along great, we were having great family time.  Everyone had gotten a hole in one and was flying high, except our youngest daughter.  I wasn't too worried about it, since we were doing 36 holes I figured she would hit one sooner or later.  The longer we played though, the more upset she got, and the more upset she got the worse she golfed.  She is very much like me, she is very emotional.  The further along we got, the more I prayed.
    My prayer was something like this.  "Now Father, I know you don't worry too much about things like Putt Putt, and I know there are a whole lot of things more important than this, but if you would, could you please let Lauren get a hole in one?"  I truly wanted her to get one, because I knew how much it meant to her.  We got to the last hole and sure enough, no hole in one.  She was beside herself, exhausted, and upset.  Even an ice cream cone for the trip home couldn't console her.  I was upset for her also, but wasn't too concerned, because I knew that the excitement of the next day, with the train ride and the ball game, would make her forget all about not getting the hole in one. 
     Little did I know,  we were about to have an experience that we would never forget.

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