Amazing Grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found, was blind but now I see. These are some of the sweetest words I have ever heard, but today Amazing Grace just doesn't seem to be good enough for some folks.
A few weeks ago on the 4th of July my church had a cookout. There was a stage set up for people of the church to sing during the festivities. There were a few people sitting in the seats listening, others were playing games, talking, having a good time. Suddenly a red back hymnal appeared, and the place lit up. It started with a few people standing on stage just singing whatever hymn came to mind. Soon there was a crowd, both on the stage singing and in the seats listening. It was amazing. Nobody was worrying about anything, everybody was just enjoying fellowship and having fun singing the old hymns. Smiles were on everyone's faces, joy and laughter filled the room. It was magical.
Growing up, Amazing Grace, Victory in Jesus, How Great Thou Art were sung over and over again, and for good reason. They are powerful songs that have stood the test of time. Give me Glory Road any day and watch me shout. Give me It Is Well With My Soul and watch me glimpse into Heaven. I hear a lot of good songs in church, praise and worship, contemporary, whatever you want to call it, and some of these songs touch my soul, but I still like the feel of a hymnal in my hand, and knowing I am singing the songs my grandparents probably sang. Maybe it's the old school in me, but a good hymn in four part harmony cures what ails me most days. I'll always rather hear a old fashioned quartet sing four part harmony any day rather than a trio or duet. That's just how I am, and I feel no need to apologize for it. I hope as my kids grow older they come to love the old hymns too, and stay in churches where these songs are kept alive. Sad to say, I'm afraid that the days of Amazing Grace, the gospel quartet, the 5th Saturday night singing, and the hymnal are too soon to be a thing of the past.
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