Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'll Take Dinner On The Grounds

     I read an article the other day about a so called mega church.  This church had a membership of around 30,000, and had just opened a new campus. Each campus had big screen TV's, and the pastor would give the sermon in one location and be broadcast to the others by closed circuit.  The Pastor went on to talk about how people liked to bring their Starbucks, and enjoy the multimedia experience.  I'll take a rain check if you please.  I don't see how the preacher would decide whose house he was going to for Sunday dinner anyway.

Sardis Baptist
     Give me someplace like my Mom's church.  I love my Mom's church, Sardis Baptist, because it has character and history.  Visiting there is like stepping into a time machine.  It has been around since 1835, and really hasn't changed much through the years.  It wasn't until just a few years ago that the church even had air conditioning.  I like the old wooden straight backed pews, with the divider in the middle that used to separate the men from the women.  They aren't the most comfortable seats, but back in 1835 you weren't supposed to be comfortable in church.  I love the plain white wooden walls, the oil lamps that still sit on the walls, and the down home attitude of the people there.  Most Sundays you will find between 40 and 60 people there worshiping.  You won't find any Starbucks there, but if you are lucky you just might get to eat dinner on the grounds. 

Dry Valley
     I kind of like visiting there every once in a while, it reminds me of how things used to be.  There's not a lot of distractions, just good old fashioned worship.  My home church, Dry Valley Baptist is somewhere in the middle, and that suits me fine. I have gotten accustomed to the padded chairs,  and the big screens help me see a little better from my perch in the balcony.  There are enough people there that you feel like you are a part of a big family. 

     Mama's church is nice to visit, but is not for me full time.  I don't think I would fit in at the Mega Church either.  A church with a coffee bar just isn't for me.  I'm too clumsy and would probably spill it anyway.

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