Tuesday, April 3, 2012

All Quiet On The Home Front

     My family is on spring break this week.  One of the things that my wife does most years is to take the kids on a trip to see her sister and her family.  Since my school days are long behind me, and I don't work at the school, I don't get to celebrate spring break.  What this means is that my wife and kids take off and leave Daddy at home.
     I always start the time off with great intentions of all of the things I am going to get accomplished while they are gone.  It hardly ever gets done.  For some reason, Daddy just can't get as much done without his helpers as he can when they are here.  Funny how that works.  I got the grass mowed, and caught a pesky possum that has been hanging around our house.  Thankfully the kids weren't here when the possum got caught, as the last time I caught one they all thought it was cute and wanted to keep it.
     I actually cooked a few meals that were faithful to my diet plan. Truthfully, when my family isn't here eating isn't very high on my list of priorities anyway.  Mostly my diet when they are gone consists of Diet Coke.  I washed my work clothes, and went to the store and bought what I needed for my work week.  I even washed and folded some clothes.  I'm not allowed to do that when my wife is here, as I don't wash them the way she does.  I even washed my dirty dishes.
     The one thing I can't seem to get done when they aren't here is sleep.  It goes against conventional wisdom, but I can't sleep when the family isn't here.  It's just too quiet.  I miss the love I guess.  While they were gone my 6 year old son told them he wanted crab legs.  I guess he thinks Kentucky is the only place that has them.  My sister in law sent me a picture of him eating one.  He was beaming.  I told my wife when she called later I was glad that he got to be spoiled a little.  Lord knows I can't spoil him like I want to.
     By the time this gets posted they will be on  their way home again, but at the time I am writing it they are still gone.  I miss them.  When they are home the TV is mostly on cartoons, or some other kids-teens type show.  For some reason when they are gone there's nothing on TV.  Funny how that works.  Even Saturday when the Braves were on TV they only got to play a few innings before they got rained out.  So much for that.
     The trip up and back is the worst for me, because I worry.  As I write this one part of that is down, but they still have to get back home.  I will be a nervous wreck.  I just need some noise in the house.

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