Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Learning Life's Lessons

     Once again, I have gone a period of time without posting.  While some of it had to do with the fact that I didn't have much to say, most of it had to do with situations that were going on in my life.  The past few weeks have been stressful, eventful, and have helped me to grow.  Let me go back in time.
     For the past few years, (yes, years) I have been having car trouble.  Nothing that would keep my car from going back and forth to work, but more along the lines of hassles.  I have not had air conditioning or heat in my car for at least two years.  I dealt with it, with my line of thinking that we always had our family car that was in good mechanical shape, and that was the one that my family used.  My car was only for me driving back and forth to work, so I let it go.  The summer didn't bother me too much, but the winters were sometimes brutal.  The whole time I had a routine that I had to follow and put water in the car about once every two weeks.  It took about that long for the water to go completely out.  A month or so ago, I noticed that I was putting water in once a week, then it got to every day.  I knew something had to be done.
     About this time we found that we had a leak in our roof, and our computer decided to die.  For someone who is used to being able to handle everything, I was getting overloaded.  I knew something had to give, and I had to do something that I hated doing.  I had to ask for help.
     I finally broke down and put my car (actually, a chevy blazer) in the shop.  I didn't want to, because the money that was going towards fixing my vehicle could be better used for my family.  I knew however, without this vehicle, my getting back and forth to work would be impossible.  We made do by asking my mom to help out, either coming over and getting the kids ready for school while my wife took me to work, or taking my family to work and school when I drove the family vehicle.  Either way, I quickly started feeling like I was becoming a burden on everyone.
     I asked a friend of mine that does handyman work to come and fix my roof.  I wanted to do it myself, but knew that I didn't want to be on my roof, and even if I did get up there, I wouldn't have a clue what to do.  I was going a hundred different ways, with no direction.  I couldn't figure out exactly what was going on.  I know now what I gained from all of this.
     One of the things that I learned was that it is okay to ask for help sometimes.  My mom, my wife, and my kids had to make some sacrifices to get me to and from work, but they never said a word.  I still would rather have been the one making the sacrifices, but was grateful to them for what they did.  I also learned that I can survive without the internet.  I got to spend quality time with my family, without the computer enticing us away from each other.  I also got reminded that I have to MAKE time every day to spend in God's word.  With no computer, I spent more time reading my Bible, and was blessed by it.  I also found out that there are still good people in this world, which is a story for another day.  Most important, I was reminded that God is faithful, even when we are struggling.  As I sit here now, I have two beautiful daughters that are waiting on my to spend some time with them.  That takes priority.  More later.

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