Thursday, February 23, 2012

I Am The Cookie Monster

     This has been a fun time of year for me.  This is Girl Scout Cookie time in our family, and it is always exciting.  I am amazed at how excited people get over those little cookies, and this year they earned me a new nickname.
     I have had several nicknames in my life, some like Bear, Bear Bear, Woods, and Bear Man are all plays on my name that I have gotten at different time from different people, and others that are more out there.  I have been Big Daddy Cool, Gordo, Cool Breeze, and others that have escaped my memory.  The other day Girl Scout Cookies gave me a new moniker, Cookie Monster.
     I had taken an order where I work for the cookies, and when I took that order in, I had several people ask me if I had extras they could buy.  Of course, to help my girls, I told them yes, and the next day trudged in with another assortment of delicious cookies.  I had hoped to sell a few boxes, and get out unscathed.  What happened was totally different.  When I took the new order in, I also took in some extra boxes just in case the fever struck someone else when I was making my delivery.  To put it mildly, I got mobbed.
     Something must have gotten hold of the people when they spotted the cookies, it became a mad rush.  People were throwing money at me and going crazy over the cookies.  I quickly depleted my stock for the day, and said I would bring in more the next day.  When I went in the next day and said I had more, the announcement was made that the Cookie Monster was there.  I guess I will have to add that to my list now.
     I went with my daughter to a booth sale on a Saturday afternoon, and took time just to watch people's faces when they saw the girls selling the cookies.  It amazes me to see the joy in people's faces over Girl Scout Cookies.  What was funny to me was just how much business picked up when people saw the girls starting to take down their tables to leave.  It became a mad rush.  I guess people were afraid that if they didn't get their cookies they would miss out.  I didn't have the heart to tell them that their was another troop waiting to set up after we left.
     I know the feeling though, something about knowing that when those cookies are gone it will be another year until there are more tends to make me want to buy them up and put them in the freezer myself.  I look at those boxes like gold, and ALMOST feel guilty when I eat one or ten, knowing that is less that I will have later.  I also know that the cravings will hit me hardest when they are finally gone.
     Luckily for me I can eat my Girl Scout Cookies guilt free right now, as I have a March 1st date set to start on my new weight loss journey.  My employer is starting a biggest loser competition on that day, and that will be my initial weigh in.  I have decided that I am going into training until that day, and will eat my girl scout cookies guilt free until I have my time on the scale to set my beginning weight.  After that the cookies go into the freezer until June 22nd, the date of the final weigh in, when I will celebrate my weight loss with some more cookies.

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