Friday, September 16, 2011

Being Happy

     Today was supposed to be Faith Friday.  This was something that I had started on another blog, where I would share a story of faith, or a testimony, from other people.  I asked people to send their stories to me, but only had a couple of people respondThat's okay.  Today I am going to talk about being happy.
     I try my best to act like I am happy all the time.  I'm not saying I am always content, and that things are always good for me, but I try to put on that appearance.  I can't always say that I have done that, but since I have recently decided to REALLY try to change my attitude, this has been a priority for me.
     I have found that the way I act has a direct influence on others.  When others would ask me how I was doing before my attitude change, the normal answer was "I'm here" or "okay I guess."  Now if you ask me more likely than not you will get "I'm wonderful" or"if I were any better I would be twins."  The great thing is when I answer with a smile, I normally get a smile back.
     I am not saying that I am always happy.  This IS life.  I do get discouraged.  I entered a contest on Reader's Digest, who then contacted my local paper and told them my story was one of the most popular stories in the contest.  I was ecstatic, I thought I had done something really good, and something that had touched a lot of people.  Yesterday they started posting the vote totals.  I had a grand total of 63 votes.  Not the world changing thing I thought.
     That's okay.  If this blog can make one person feel better, or that story can give one person hope, then it is worth it.  I am going to keep on smiling, whether I get another vote, or another visitor.  I have a great family, a roof over my head, and food on my table.  That's all I can ask.
     I am going to end with a link to the contest I am in.  It is on facebook, so if you are one of the few that don't have FB I guess you can't vote.  You have to "like" the Reader's Digest page also.  Here is the link.
                                        Faith Of A Child 
    I am off to have an awesome day, and an even better weekend.  I hope you do too.

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