Friday, September 30, 2011

Part Two

     That was my Saturday.  The band did awesome, straight Superior scores with high placements in their class.  Sunday was church, then a long nap at home before returning to church again.  These are not the things that have dragged me down though.
     Just recently a friend of mine got some bad news.  He was having trouble breathing, so he went to the doctor to get some allergy medicine. Something got the doctors attention, so they drew blood.  Soon they called my friend and sent him for x-rays.  It was then they found the tumor.  He has a tumor about the size of a fist between his sternum and his esophagus.  They are pretty sure it is cancer.  My friend just turned 36.
     When he went to have more tests done, they also found another tumor under his arm.  This one was smaller, and may turn out to be a blessing in some ways.  They removed this tumor, and are testing it now.  After they figure out just what is going on, they will decide what to do about the big one.  My friend is waiting on the results.  Like I said, my friend just turned 36 years old yesterday.  That's just not right.
     I also have been concerned about another friend that I worked with years ago, but have great admiration for.  He has severe liver problems and is waiting on a transplant.  This one has given me a crisis of faith as I call it, how do I pray in this situation?  I know to pray for God's will, that part is easy, and to lift up my friend.  The hard part is that I can't, in my heart, in sincerity pray for a liver for my friend.  Now I know that sounds cruel, but how can I pray for another person to die, so my friend can live?  I just can't do that. These are the type of things I struggle with. 
     Finally, I have another dear friend that is going through what I call a "Job experience" right now.  Most all of us go through them some times.  Most people call it going through a storm.  My friend is like me, living paycheck to paycheck.  His daughter and my daughter are good friends, and I have known his family for years.  Anyway, he was on his way back from the band competition, when a transfer truck in front of him lost it's dive shaft.  When he ran over it, he blew out two tires and busted a rim.  Luckily, he had left before the band, and the bus picked him and his wife up and brought them home.
     He got his car home Sunday, and used his house payment to buy a tire.  This was bad enough, until Tuesday.  His wife got to work and went in.  She hadn't been at work but for about 10 minutes when someone came in and said a car had exploded.  It was hers. My friend had to take half of a day off of work to deal with this now, which I'm sure was the last thing he needed. 
     Wednesday morning I went to talk to my friend when I got to work, as has become a custom.  I could see that things were starting to get to him.  He is like me, he doesn't show it, so I became concerned.  Soon I found out that with all that was going on, my friend had left home without his lunch box.  This was no big deal, I get free lunch cards for our cafeteria all of the time which I normally give away anyway.  I pulled one out and gave it to him.  Thursday morning he shared some more struggles with me. 
     All of this, along with the death of a dear saint in my church, and other friends that are struggling with issues have honestly just made it hard for me to do the blog this week.  I have found my time better used in prayer and with family.  I really don't think the four or five regular readers of mine have lost sleep because I didn't blog daily.  I really do try to do this 5 days a week, but don't get paid and do have a busy life.  Let me change that, I have made $1.12 off of this blog in the 2 or 3 months I have done it.  I haven't even seen that money though as you don't get paid until you have $100.  I really enjoy doing this, but only want to do it when I really have something to say.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Adventure

     I haven't posted since last week.  It has been a crazy week, and honestly I haven't had the time or the energy to do the blog this week.  Let me catch you up to speed.
     First, Saturday was my oldest daughters first marching contest.  Being a former band member, this was a big deal to me.  She was scheduled to go on at 3:20 in Jasper Georgia.  The only problem was my son had a football game in Lafayette at 11:00.  No big deal, I had plenty of time.  That's what I thought anyway.
     I left the house around 9:30 Saturday morning, dropped my wife and daughter off at the school to ride the bus, and took off for Lafayette.  We got to the game, parked, and went in.  As is the norm for a 6-7 year old football game, the game was dragging, and  started a few minutes late due to the flag football game running over.  Still, I thought I was in good shape.  That's when things went south.
     Late in the second quarter a kid on my sons team went down with a serious injury.  Before I go any further I will tell you the kid was injured, but is fine now other than his arm in a sling.  Anyway, there was a 40 minute wait on an ambulance to get to the stadium and take the kid to the hospital.  Soon I realized that instead of being on the road by a few minutes after 12:00, it was going to be closer to 1:00.  I was still thinking that the trip was 90 minutes or so, and I would be in good shape.
    When the game ended I called to one of the coaches, who handed my son over the fence to me.  I put him on my shoulders and took off for the car.  When we got in I handed him his clothes to change, and off we went.  I was making good time, until I got to Calhoun.  It was in Calhoun that I lost my highway.  Highway 136 was the directions I had, and I could not find the highway anywhere.  I stopped and asked for directions.
     Hwy 53 would take me straight into Jasper I was told.  I knew that I would eventually, using my directions, end up on 53, and i am fairly familiar with this road, so off I went again.  All was fine until I reached Jasper.  I came to an intersection where there were signs saying 53 East, 53 West, 53 commercial, and 53 Business.  I had no clue which one to take.  I stopped again to ask for directions.
     By now it was closing in on 2:45, but I was in town.  Surely someone would tell me i was close.  The lady I asked was nice, but didn't seem to have much more of an idea than I did.  Finally she told me to go down the road about a quarter of a mile and turn right at the Sheriffs office.  I did as she said and was still confident I was going to make it, until the road turned into dirt.  I saw a young man coming in a truck, and asked him if I was going the right way.  Of course I wasn't.
     I was on the phone with my wife while this was going on, and the young man was trying to give me directions.  I told her I wasn't going to make it, as it was already 3:00.  The kid heard me, and asked me why I was trying to get there.  I explained my situation to him, and he said to follow him, he would take me to the school.  He had to be an angel, as he led me directly to the school.  I pulled into the parking lot at 3:15, grabbed my son, and ran to the stadium.  I made it in as the band was starting to come on to the field.
                                Part Two Tomorrow.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday Funnies

     This is the true story of George Phillips of Meridian, Mississippi, who was going to bed when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the shed. George opened the door to go turn off the light but saw there were people in the shed in the process of stealing things.
      He immediately phoned the police, who asked "Is someone in your house?" and George said no and explained the situation. Then they explained that all patrols were busy, and that he should simply lock his door and an officer would be there when available.
      George said, "Okay," hung up, counted to 30, and phoned the police again. "Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people in my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them now because I've just shot them all."
      Then he hung up. Within five minutes three squad cars, an Armed Response unit, and an ambulance showed up. Of course, the police caught the burglars red-handed. One of the policemen said to George: "I thought you said that you'd shot them!" George said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

     A new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.
      When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, Genesis 3:10."  Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.
     Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid, for I was naked." 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Onions and Allergies

     My post about my Dad yesterday had more hits than any other post I have ever done.  I had 50 visitors to my blog to read what I wrote.  I am humbled.  I wish I could say that I have a great follow up, something to wow those people that came to read that piece.  Unfortunately I don't.
     I can tell you that I did find out a very valuable lesson last night.  I found out that when you have allergies, and they are bothering your eyes, that is not the greatest time to try to cut onions.  I started having a little trouble with my eyes watering and burning yesterday afternoon.  I didn't think much of it.  I went to watch my son practice football and things seemed to be better.  After we came home, and I ate a wonderful steak my wife had waiting on me, I decided to go ahead and cut a couple of onions for a benefit lunch at work. 
     My wife, as she normally does when it comes to food, asked me if I wanted her to do it.  I, being a man, said no, I had it under control.  I got out my onions, and my huge knife.  I had visions of Food Network on my mind, sure that my wife and kids would be impressed with my slicing and dicing skills. It didn't take long before I realized that I was struggling.  It also didn't take my wife long.  "Why don't you come over to the table and do that, you'll have more room?"  I moved from the counter to the table and continued with my quest.  "Why don't you use the chopper" she asked.
     By now I could see that I was losing, but wouldn't dare admit it.  As soon as she walked out of the room, I got up to get the chopper.  Of course, being a man, I had no idea where it was.  "Honey, where is the chopper?"  After she told me where it was, and then came back in the kitchen to show me where it was, I was on my way.
     The first half of the first onion went fine.  Soon thought the fumes from the onion caught up to me, and I found myself standing in the kitchen unable to open my eyes.  The allergies and the onions had made my eyes feel as though there were flaming pins in them.  I stumbled blindly into the bedroom and flopped onto the bed.  As I lay there writhing in agony my wife asked me if I was finished.  Bravely I said no, I was taking a break.  I'm sure the painful groans gave me away, along with the fact I was stumbling blind when I came in, but she said nothing.  After a while I recovered enough to go back and finish, but not before blinding my self again.
     It was about that time that my wife said those magic words.  "Honey, you're tired, why don't you go lay down and rest."  Now, that doesn't sound like much, but I know what she really means when she says that is Honey you are tired, and you are making things worse.  You have made a valiant effort and failed miserably, but I love you and don't want to embarrass you.  I stumbled through the house, told my family good night, then went to bed.  That's why I don't have a great follow up.  Blame it on the onions. I hope ya'll forgive me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


My Dad as a Young'un
     Some stuff happened today that got me to thinking about my Dad.  I loved my Dad more than anything in this world, but our relationship wasn't always the greatest in the world.  Some of it had to do with the fact that we were so much alike.  The older I am getting though, and the more I am experiencing life, the more I realize I just didn't cut him enough slack.  I'm finding that out the hard way.
     One of the biggest problems my Dad and I had was when I was in high school and college.  I would get angry at my dad, when he didn't come to watch me play in the band, come to concerts, or other activities that I was involved in.  I didn't understand everything back then that I do now.  I wish I had.  I could have had more time with him.
     I always thought that my Dad just didn't care enough about me to be bothered with watching me.  Lately I have come to understand that there are other things that probably factored into it.  When my Dad would come to watch me in a ball game, he would stand at the fence and not come in.  I took it as an insult.  When I graduated college my Dad wasn't there.  I didn't speak to him, unless I had to, for several years after.  For a long time I didn't call him Daddy, just Jerry.  I can't imagine how much hurt that must have caused him.
     As I have gotten older, and have kids of my own, I see just how wrong I was.  It came to a head with me today.  I am obsesive about being with my kids whenever I possibly can whenever they are doing anything.  Friday night, my oldest daughter will be traveling to march at a football game that I could be at if I really hustled.  The more I tried to figure out how I was going to do it, the more I realized that I couldn't.  It had nothing to do with time this time, just the fact that between gas money, ticket to the game, food, etc, that I just could not afford to do it.  The mortgage, gas for work, power bill, etc. had to take precedence.
     I probably could have pulled it off is my son didn't have a football game Saturday morning, and My daughter didn't have a band contest Saturday afternoon.  These are things I feel like I have to be there for.  Then it hit me, how many times did my Dad wish he could be in the stadium for me, but didn't so that he could make sure I had the material things I needed?  My Dad worked a lot, and I never went without anything I truly needed.
     I found out after my college graduation that my Dad had indeed came to it, but it had rained and the graduation was moved from the college to a local high school gym.  My Dad had given up his ticket so that others in my family could be there.  I was wrong.
     I struggle sometimes with the fact that I could probably get a job that pays better than what I have now, but it would come at a price.  The hours would be different, and I would miss out on so many things in my kids lives.  It is a hard choice to make.  I hope that as my kids get older, the fact that I was there for them as much as I possibly could be outweigh the fact that they missed out on a lot of material things.
    I also hope that my Dad, who I know is in Heaven looking down on me, knows how much I loved him.  Our relationship before he died was great, and we had many good years before he passed.  I just wish I could have some of the time we missed because we were both so stubborn back.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Being Happy

     Today was supposed to be Faith Friday.  This was something that I had started on another blog, where I would share a story of faith, or a testimony, from other people.  I asked people to send their stories to me, but only had a couple of people respondThat's okay.  Today I am going to talk about being happy.
     I try my best to act like I am happy all the time.  I'm not saying I am always content, and that things are always good for me, but I try to put on that appearance.  I can't always say that I have done that, but since I have recently decided to REALLY try to change my attitude, this has been a priority for me.
     I have found that the way I act has a direct influence on others.  When others would ask me how I was doing before my attitude change, the normal answer was "I'm here" or "okay I guess."  Now if you ask me more likely than not you will get "I'm wonderful" or"if I were any better I would be twins."  The great thing is when I answer with a smile, I normally get a smile back.
     I am not saying that I am always happy.  This IS life.  I do get discouraged.  I entered a contest on Reader's Digest, who then contacted my local paper and told them my story was one of the most popular stories in the contest.  I was ecstatic, I thought I had done something really good, and something that had touched a lot of people.  Yesterday they started posting the vote totals.  I had a grand total of 63 votes.  Not the world changing thing I thought.
     That's okay.  If this blog can make one person feel better, or that story can give one person hope, then it is worth it.  I am going to keep on smiling, whether I get another vote, or another visitor.  I have a great family, a roof over my head, and food on my table.  That's all I can ask.
     I am going to end with a link to the contest I am in.  It is on facebook, so if you are one of the few that don't have FB I guess you can't vote.  You have to "like" the Reader's Digest page also.  Here is the link.
                                        Faith Of A Child 
    I am off to have an awesome day, and an even better weekend.  I hope you do too.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Glorious Day

    Today is a day to just take a moment and Praise Him.  The song I am sharing today was on my mind all day Wednesday.  I normally don't plan to do videos, but use them when I don't have anything to say.  Today is different.  This is what I want to say.  This is for everyone that ever said a prayer for me, and believed in me when I didn't deserve it.   I thought about what I could write to go along with the video I am sharing today, but no words I can come up with felt appropriate.  So..................

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

1 Corinthians 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

God bless each and every one of you today.


     I have a routine in the mornings.  I get out of bed and go to my computer.  I will check facebook, read the news, and do my blog (okay, some days I do my blog).  Today was no different.  What has happened is that I have nothing big enough to warrant an entire blog today, so I am going to do random thoughts. I am just going to ramble what comes to mind.
     My Pastor's wife yesterday got great news.  She is cancer free.  I cried.  I hate cancer.  I have watched too many friends and loved ones fight this awful disease and lose.  Eva Nell Woods, Christine Fox, Carleen Stowe, Herman Adams, and so many others that did not deserve to have to go through what that terrible disease did to them.  Mrs. Eva fought the battle harder than anybody ever could.  These were precious people that I still miss terribly.
     I guess I have found my theme.  I remember when I was younger I would hear older people talk about Heaven, and how much they longed to see their loved ones that had gone on before.  I always thought that was odd back then.  Now I understand.  I look back and think about how many loved ones have already gone on and realize that I am quickly getting to the point where there are more there than here.  It happens fast.
     One day I was just a kid, then a young adult.  I am middle aged now I guess and quickly heading forward.  It is strange when you wake up and realize that you are much closer to being in the senior adult group at your church than you are to the youth group.  In my mind I am still the young man I was, but my body knows better.  The aches and pains don't go away as quickly.  I thank God every day that I am blessed with health for myself and my family.
     I am asking you all to keep a friend of mine, Mrs. Beverly, in your prayers as her mother is soon to pass over to the other side.  Another prayer for a friends son who has a concussion, and for a friend of mine fighting cancer.  I don't know who all reads this blog, on a normal day there are between 20- 25 people to read what I write.  I am going to ask God to bless you all today.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Being Famous

     I have come to a conclusion that I would not want to be famous.  Last week the Summerville News ran a story on me and my daughter.  The article was about a story I had submitted to Readers Digest for a contest which was being considered for publication.  I didn't give it much thought.  I figured a couple of people would make jokes about it, and that would be it.  Boy was I wrong.
     It has been amazing how many people have come up to me and told me they read the article.  Most of them use the same line, "can I have your autograph?"  Of course they are joking.  It is flattering, and I am humbled that they would take the time to congratulate me.  The problem is, I am a humble person to begin with, so the attention makes me uncomfortable.
      The story was about the Miracle Baseball, which I have wrote about here.  The problem was that the contest was for 150 words or less.  It took me 4 days to tell the entire story on the blog.  When people come up to congratulate me, they are finding themselves trapped for five or so minutes while I tell them the entire story.  Most of them have the same reaction, that it could only have been an act of God.  That is why I put the story out in the first place, for God to get the glory.
     If it takes me having to get a few pats on the back to share that testimony, then I guess it is worth it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Football Problem

The Reason I Must Do Better
    I talk a lot on here about my victories, but today I am going to talk about a defeat.  Saturday, I did something that I was not proud of, and I want to come clean.
     My son Matthew had his first "real" football game Saturday morning.  Matthew loves playing football, but is young, small, and hasn't gotten the hang of the game yet.  Saturday morning, I did something that I said I never would do.  I acted like an idiot, and I am sorry.
     The league that my son plays in has a rule that all kids have to play eight minutes, but the team he plays for has 27 kids.  In a 32 minute game, it is hard to get 27 kids eight minutes.  Matthew didn't get his, and I got stupid.  After the game as I went to pick Matthew up, I made flippant comments to the coach about his playing time, and we ended up getting into an argument on the field.  I am ashamed of myself.
     A friend of mine and I were talking one time about why we yell and scream at football games, but not at church.  I am like that, I will more likely be sitting quietly with a tear in my eye than shouting.  He told me that with him, he felt like it was because when he was at games, he was in the flesh, and when he was at church, he was in the spirit.  I felt like that was a good explanation. 
     The problem is, I got WAY too much into the flesh Saturday morning, and as a result I lost a lot of respect from people, and myself.  As a Christian, I am supposed to try to be like Christ in everything that I do, and in this instance I didn't.  I am getting more and more mindful of my behavior, and my actions and how it reflects on my faith.  I get too much into the flesh at football games though.  That is something I have always had a problem with, so much so that I almost dread going to games.  If my kids aren't involved, I don't go. I have lost a lot of sleep over this, because I know better.  I tried calling his coach Saturday afternoon to apologize, but could not get him.  I am going to try again tomorrow at his practice face to face.   
     The thing is, Matthew didn't care that he didn't get his time in.  He didn't even know it.  It was Dad, and Dad got stupid.  Here's hoping that the coach will accept my apology and know that it will not happen again.  I don't want to be that kind of a parent.
     An update since I wrote this last night, his coach called and we had a long talk.  We are good.   That is a load off of my mind, but still no excuse.  I have to do better, and be a better role model for my kids.

Monday, September 5, 2011